Monday, November 24, 2008

Week 0 - Day P1

Okay, so I haven't been here in a while. Almost exactly 8 months have passed since I last made an entry in my BFL blog. So this is me starting over. Unfortunately, this week is thanksgiving, so it is a bad week to start a diet. I am going to try to stick to the BFL diet and exercise program as much as I can this week, but I am officially starting next Monday. So this week will be Week 0, days P1-P6. The last time I was on BFL for a month, I lost 25 lbs. That's all back now since I got weak and allowed myself to do nothing for 8 months. Oh well, that time is over. I am serious about losing weight and changing my body. This time I will not give up!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 30

I woke up feeling a bit dry this morning due to a late night on Sunday, but I ate well and worked out after work. I went to my parents' house and cringed as I weighed in. Up 6 lbs to 283 and up to 35.9% body fat. It really sux, but it reminds me that I can't just coast to a better me.

N 7
E 10

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Day 25-29

Okay, so I took a few days off. I still ate pretty well, but I did not manage to get out and do any cardio or my lower body W/O on Friday. Not good at all.

N 7
E 0

Week total
N 8.5
E 3.33 (ouch)

Total - 4 Weeks
N 8
E 6.33

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day 24

I got up and again didnt work out in the morning, but I did stick to my diet and went and did my workout in the evening.

N 10
E 10

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 23

I woke up this morning and just couldn't get myself out of bed to go run. I really don't like cardio as much as lifting weights. I had every intention of working out as soon as I got home, but my mom called me and asked if I would come over and help her plan her lower body workout, answer some questions about some upper body exercises, and help her set up her blog. I knew she would be really happy if I helped her with those things, so I headed up to georgetown after I got off work and met my mom. I still thought I'd have enough time to get in a cardio workout, but by the time I got home, it was time for dinner and bed. I will do an extra cardio workout on my off day, Saturday.

N 10
E 0

Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 22

Today I finally got back on track with my workouts. I got up at 5 and went straight over to the gym and had a great lower body workout. I found that I can go up on weights on several muscle groups and started thinking of ways I can add some resistance to my floor crunches. I am going to need to get a gym membership soon so I can use some of the machines. I followed my diet perfectly today and I feel great about it. Overall it was a great day and I hope all week will be just as good.

N 10
E 10

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day 21

So today I ate pretty bad. I had a personal pizza for lunch and sushi and habachi for dinner. But I did really well with my workout. I walk/ran an extra 3-4 miles today with my running group and then went and did an upper body workout to catch up for the one I missed on friday. So overall it was a pretty good day.

N 5
E 10

N 8
E 7

Total - 3 Weeks
N 8
E 7