Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 30

I woke up feeling a bit dry this morning due to a late night on Sunday, but I ate well and worked out after work. I went to my parents' house and cringed as I weighed in. Up 6 lbs to 283 and up to 35.9% body fat. It really sux, but it reminds me that I can't just coast to a better me.

N 7
E 10

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Day 25-29

Okay, so I took a few days off. I still ate pretty well, but I did not manage to get out and do any cardio or my lower body W/O on Friday. Not good at all.

N 7
E 0

Week total
N 8.5
E 3.33 (ouch)

Total - 4 Weeks
N 8
E 6.33