Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 30

I woke up feeling a bit dry this morning due to a late night on Sunday, but I ate well and worked out after work. I went to my parents' house and cringed as I weighed in. Up 6 lbs to 283 and up to 35.9% body fat. It really sux, but it reminds me that I can't just coast to a better me.

N 7
E 10


Karen said...

Was day 30 on your blog Monday or today? At any rate, I am glad you are getting back on the program. Every time I think about not getting up in the mornings, I think about what you told me. "Nothing tastes as good or feels as good (even sleeping in) as the way I plan to look 12 weeks from now."
Thanks for the motivation. Now you know why I keep getting up every morning.
Love you Son -

Karen said...

Kevin - I really hope you are sticking with the program and just not writing in your blog. You were doing so great. Remember we will weigh in again on Monday. You have to keep me on track.
Mum Chucks