Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 23

I woke up this morning and just couldn't get myself out of bed to go run. I really don't like cardio as much as lifting weights. I had every intention of working out as soon as I got home, but my mom called me and asked if I would come over and help her plan her lower body workout, answer some questions about some upper body exercises, and help her set up her blog. I knew she would be really happy if I helped her with those things, so I headed up to georgetown after I got off work and met my mom. I still thought I'd have enough time to get in a cardio workout, but by the time I got home, it was time for dinner and bed. I will do an extra cardio workout on my off day, Saturday.

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E 0

1 comment:

Karen said...

Kevin - What has happened to your BFL Blog? When I logged in the last day I could get to was Tuesdey the 4th. Where is the rest of the week>