Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 01 - The Beginning

I should have posted this yesterday as that is when I really started Body for Life, but I suppose better late than never. I have decided to keep this log as a journal for myself and any others who come along to be inspired by what can be done if you put your mind to it.

I learned about Body for Life about 5 years ago, but I never got around to giving it a real chance. I always came up with one reason or another why I couldn't do it. Either I couldn't afford it, or I got sick, or I just didn't feel like reading the book. Now that I have read the book and have a wonderful wife to help support me, I truly believe I can complete this 12 week program.

Yesterday, I started off by getting up at 5am and going to the gym in my apt complex for some upper body exercises. First I was a bit annoyed because they only had one 15 lb dumbell and only 1 25 lb dumbell, so my weight progression was a bit messed up and I think I may have pushed myself too hard. I also think I drank too much water, so about 30 minutes into my workout, I had to go throw up. To me, that just about signals the end of a workout. I went home and showered and tried to eat, but I felt miserable so I stayed home from work. I think the FLU that I had the week before just wasn't ready to let go quite yet. So, I only ate about half of my breakfast and I missed my first Myoplex bar of the day as well. :-(

I got back on track at lunch and ate lunch at 11, a Myoplex bar at 2, a Myoplex shake at 5, and dinner at 7ish. Dinner was delicious. I would have never believed this was health food by the taste and portion size. Great stuff.

Before Dinner I went over to my parents' house and had my mom take pictures of me for the competition and I took pictures for her. I'll post mine here as soon as I get my camera back from my parents. (I left it there after shooting the pictures) I'm pretty sure no one wants to see pictures of me looking fat, but it's part of my motivation that I put them here so when the 12 weeks is up, I can see how I've done.

I cheated a little and finished off the last serving of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice cream. Then, off to bed by 11. It should have been 10, but I got tied up trying to get a computer installed. I will do better about that tomorrow.

My starting weight is 289.0. BF% 37.5
My jeans size is 44"

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