Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 03

I woke up feeling great on day 3 and headed over to the gym for a lower body workout. The workout went well. I found out that my calves are not in very good shape though. I had to lower the weight so I could get through all my sets. I did it though, and it was a definite 10 effort for those! I still had a bit of nausea after working out for about 25 minutes, so I think it may be something I just have to overcome. My body is not used to being forced to do stuff all the time, but that is changing. I got through my 46 minutes of exercise and headed home for a shower and some breakfast.

I managed to get through the day again eating only what was on my menu and drinking mostly water. I will admit, I probably didn't drink enough water, so I'll be careful about that in the future. The beef stew was delicious once it finally got done cooking. I didn't get to eat until about 8:30, so of course I didn't get to bed till around 10:30. Overall though it was a good day. 3 days, still going strong. Looking forward to the next. ;-)

1 comment:

Karen said...

Kevin -
I am very proud of you. You are an inspiration. I plan on starting my BFL real soon now. I think perhaps my birthday would be a good starting place. I'll find out how to post my own blog and let you know how I am doing on Saturday.